Pay only for results

We help auto glass companies drive more leads for less cost. We can get your phone ringing off the hook and free you up focus on your business.

If you’re interested in learning more, fill out the form here and we’ll follow up with information about our program.

I had a larger, well-known marketing company managing paid search for my auto glass franchise and they weren’t getting the job done so I reached out to SMG. After meeting with John I decided to make a switch. I’m glad I did. In less than a week I went from 0 calls to more than 10 a day and then it grew from there. On top of that I had an issue with the phone company and one of my phone lines went down. I emailed John on a Saturday afternoon and he had my ads updated within 20 minutes. I joked that SMG is this small company in Cincinnati and they’re beating up on that big national company I was working with before!

– Joe Dills, Owner, Techna Glass Cincinnati