Tripling Leads for an Auto Glass Company

I thought it would be cool to cover one of our client projects and use it to talk about how we drove a conversion rate over 50% on digital paid advertising campaigns.

And before we get into this, if you’re not familiar with the term “conversion rates,” this is the percentage of people who visit your site that call you.

So in the case of this project, half of the people visiting the site called the client.

Normal conversion rates

Normal conversion rates vary from 1-5% on most websites, so 50% is pretty good. And higher conversion rates mean more leads and lower costs for our clients.

How we did it

Here’s the account I’m talking about:

Pretty solid performance for this location: Spent just over $4,000 to drive almost 800 phone calls at a 55.15% conversion rate.

This client originally came to us through another agency and the performance wasn’t what they were hoping for.

At the start of any project, we first review the overall strategy.

What we fixed

  • This client was only running Google Ads. Using other ad platforms could help increase the impact of our ad spend. Our proprietary ad program uses a number of different ad platforms, together with the help of some cool AI tricks and talented ad managers to help maximize the impact of the client’s budget.
  • The account structure in Google Ads was a disaster. I’ve written about this before, but the account structure in Google Ads is absolutely crucial to performance. So we cleaned that up.
  • Landing page was unimpressive. This is a common miss. It’s important to know how and why customers buy in the auto glass space and cater the landing page design and content to their needs. You also have to excite them. Yeah, this is auto glass, it’s hard to be exciting…but you don’t have to go overboard, you just have to be a little interesting. That makes customers more likely to you call you over your competition.
  • Tying it all together with a coherent strategy. Our process was developed with some of the largest companies in the world and your marketing just won’t have the impact you’re hoping for unless all the components are working together.

The result

The result was performance tripled in the first month. We drove 3x as many leads for the same cost.

We help auto glass companies drive more leads. If you’re looking to get the phone ringing off the hook, contact us today to see if you’re a fit for our program.